General Information

Daily Communication/Home Folder 

            I will be communicating with you daily about your child’s day through the home folder. I have purchased these folders for you but if your child loses it during the year, you will need to send a replacement.

            In the folder will be a pouch to send lunch money, school planner, a behavior calendar and paper for parent notes. The behavior calendar will either have a stamp or a short note telling you about any problems that occurred. The day must be initialed by you and returned to school the following day. Your child is responsible for returning their folder daily.

            Please follow through at home for any good or unacceptable behaviors that occur during the day – this will help your child be more successful in school. I appreciate your help!


            Behavior is one of the most important elements of the school day. If behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible. I will use a five step stop light method in my classroom. The steps are as followed:

  1. Green Light – Everyone starts off on green
  2. 2nd  warning
  3. Yellow light
  4. 3rd Warning
  5. Red light – Thinking time, call home or write note home.

I don’t believe in a child’s day being “over” because of poor choices so I allow students to move up or down during the day. Students who have stayed on Green all week long may pick out of the treasure box on Fridays.